Chapter 8 page 24

The two technicians get up and slowly approach the robot. It turns out to be a spherical core resting in a padded glass case on a pedestal. The case is inside a tall glass cylinder running from floor to ceiling, surrounded by cables. Small audio input and output boxes are mounted to the outside of the glass.
Tech 1: …I guess he’s done.
Tech 2: I guess so.

Author’s notes: I feel like I always say – well, type – things like “I never thought I’d get this far with this story” but I still feel that way all the time! The upcoming chapters have been in my head for years, and finally having them see the light of day (so to speak) and being able to share them with you all makes me very excited.

Also, watch this space for a special feature starting next week! I’m participating in the SpiderForest Comics of the Week event. Every Monday, from February 1 to March 28, several SpiderForest webcomics will be highlighted. There are thoughtfully-crafted stories across many different genres! I’ve been really inspired by my fellow creators in the collective, and continue to learn so much about this medium that I love. I hope this event enables you to find new tales to enjoy too!

♥ Maiji (January 28, 2021)

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