Chapter 7 page 11 Emmie: You really like the Prince, huh, Sibao?Sibao: Yeah! I like all the gladiatorbots! They’re super cool and powerful! Not like us Cheng Power Class nobodies!Ibao: Hey, nothing wrong with being an N/A. It’s relaxing.Sibao: Yeah, Ibao, you’re right. But I just like saying “Cheng Power Class nobody”.[Cheng Power Class or Scale: A general rating system that ranks physical factors related to power, e.g., strength, speed, energy generation, etc. Ratings can be given for specific factors, or used as an approximate average. A rating measurement must be sustained for minimum X period of time under controlled conditions. It is possible for a robot to surpass its measured peak outside of a lab during real-world performance.Very rough approximations*N/A: No notable capability in this factor, e.g., robot is immobile. Examples: appliances, toys, some therapybots.E: Below ability of average adult human.D: Comparable to average adult human.C: Similar to or just beyond peak human performance.B: Like a car.A: Big trucks, earthmoving/demolition equipment.S: Planes, ships, ???Z: Too scary!!!X: Placeholder, just in case. Haha.*Creator reserves the right to change mind.] See entire chapter: 7 Wakening