Chapter 3 page 43 3.3 Missing Information Felipe: Hey Morio!How’s Emmie?Morio: Emmie is very well. Thank you.Felipe: That’s good! It’s great you found family! (It’s really cute, ha ha)*Felipe’s image of Emmie, based on conversations with Morio*[Mini earthmover]“Emmie”: Hello! My name is Emmie! *dust dust* Little kids play with me! I can clean things too! I love sheep![“Emmie is smaller than I am.” “But bigger than, say, me?” “Emmie is smaller.” “Huh, OK.”][“Emmie is a newer M-series. Emmie has fluffy hair like sheep. Like you.”](Felipe: I have hair like sheep? What)[“Emmie loves sheep. Emmie has a sheep backpack and sleeps with a stuffed sheep named Ranran.”](“Emmie”: zzzz) See entire chapter: 3 Ordinary Day