Chapter 11 page 46

CinderEmmie looks thoughtful. As they offer Prince Morio a suggestion, we see Prince Shiny, Prince Yùzǐ, Wubao and Sibao wandering through another part of the town. Prince Shiny looks thoughtful, Prince Yùzǐ looks cheerful. CinderEmmie is pleased to hear Prince Morio’s openness to their suggestion, but quickly realizes there’s a potential downside. They puff their cheeks up in aggravation.
CinderEmmie: …Maybe you could talk to your brothers. 
It might be easier to find your fortunes if you knew what each of you wanted to do more of.
Prince Morio: That is true. I will try.
CinderEmmie: Except, if everyone wants to be cleaners, what happens to me! 
Prince Morio: You can take a break sometimes.
CinderEmmie: *puffy cheeks* But I like cleaning!!
Prince Morio: Ha ha ha. We won’t clean too much.

Author’s notes: Emmie and Morio make a guest appearance in Court of Roses today! Thank you Nutty for letting my robots run some errands in your colourful world~

We’re wrapping up week 2 of the SpiderForest Threads: Creatures comic anthology! We’ve passed 100 backers, which is very exciting – but there’s still a ways to go. All pledges and signal boosts are super appreciated. If you love animals, stories and art, not to mention behind-the-scenes peeks at the wonderful craft of comics, there’s a lot to enjoy. And if you’ve been thinking about getting Now Recharging ebooks with the cute little book extras, Books 1 and 2 are part of the ebook horde reward, alongside many other excellent original works by SpiderForest’s indie creators! Please check out the campaign here!

Hope you all have a lovely day, rest of the week, and weekend,

♥ Maiji (March 24, 2022)

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