Chapter 10 page 11

Everyone discusses the merits of being able to smell like certain scents, and come up with many suggestions, causing Shiny to ponder.
Shiny: You do not carry scents?
Yùzǐ: Naw. Oh, I think I smelled like burning once when I shorted a circuit.
Sanbao: Wow! Can you smell like other things?
Ibao: Like fabric softener?
Erbao: Or mothballs?
Emmie: Can you smell like food?
Yuzi: Food smells great!! Like buttered popcorn!! 
Emmie: And roasted milk tea with bubbles!!
Morio: Pancakes smell very nice.
Yùzǐ: And fresh-baked cinnamon buns!!
(Emmie: Oooh I wanna smell like a cinnamon bun!!
Yùzǐ: Yeah!!)
Shiny: (Perhaps I could ask the technicians about this…)

Author’s notes: Wow, after a very busy week, TCAF is over. Thank you so much to everyone who checked out the virtual festival, and to everyone who dropped by during the Zoom session last week and watched me complete an illustration of Shiny, now up in the gallery!

Also, I did an interview with True North Country Comics Podcast! We chatted about the earliest comics I read, what I’m reading today, Now Recharging, how I work, and more. You can listen to it here! The site has even more interviews with other TCAF creators (including my comic-mates SpiderForest – Christina Major and Ally Rom Colthoff and Kristen Kiomall-Evans) plus other excellent comics articles and podcast features as well!

♥ Maiji (May 17, 2021)

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