Chapter 0 page 52

Mrs. G. offers a sense of perspective.
Mrs. G: Look at me, Emmie.
I’m an old woman who lives alone. I drink tea with gummies and spent 4 hours attacking virtual meatballs in a little rectangle.
Do you think I’m a failure?
Emmie: No! I think you’re wonderful!
Mrs. G: Good, me too. 
Don’t let anybody define what failure or success means for you!
Mind you, there are lots of self-important gasbags who think they are special snowflakes.
It’s true everyone has their own story and journey to take.
(Emmie: *imagining a snowflake* I’m a snowflake! On a journey!)
But eventually we’ll all finish falling down, hit the ground and melt.
(Snowflake in Emmie’s imagination falling, hitting the ground and melting: Wheee OOF blorrb…)
So use the time you have doing the best you can in what you feel right about. That’s all I’ve got to say!
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