Chapter 0 page 48 Mrs. G: Here you go! *grab* *plop*Emmie: ?? What’s this for?Mrs G: The delivery.Emmie: But it was an NP! (You already paid for the groceries) You don’t need to pay me.Mrs. G: I only put NP because you usually answer those first. (~sly~ I’m like a sugar daddy only more stylish <3)Emmie: You’re not supposed to do that!!Mrs. G: Why not?Emmie: … *sweat*It’s… it’s not supposed to! NP is No Pay! Nooo PayyyMrs. G: It’s a tip. (yawn) They can’t stop me if I want to.Emmie: *annoyed/frustrated squiggle*Mrs. G: Come here and have some tea on the balcony! See entire chapter: 0 Labour